Welcome to the International Organisation for Biological Control -
Asia and Pacific Regional Section


  • The braconid parasitoid (Microctonus aethiopoides) stalking its host the clover root weevil (Sitona obsoletus). Photo by Tony Mander
  • Trichosirocalus horridus on Cirsium vulgare. Photo by Ronny Groenteman (Landcare Research)
  • Seminar "Research and Applications of Biological Control", National Agricultural Biological Security Science Center, IPP-CAAS, 9 July 2014
  • The braconid parasitoid (Microctonus aethiopoides) stalking its host the clover root weevil (Sitona obsoletus). Photo by Tony Mander
  • The braconid parasitoid (Microctonus hyperodae) stalking its host Argentine stem weevil (Listronotus bonariensis). Photo by Tony Mander
  • Daniel Than exploring fungal pathogens as weed biocontrol agents. Photo by Lynley Hayes (Landcare Research)
  • White clover root damaged by clover root weevil larva (Sitona obsoletus). Photo by Tony Mander
  • White clover foliage damage from clover root weevil adults (Sitona obsoletus). Photo by Tony Mander
  • Hugh Gourlay releasing ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris) agents, West Coast of New Zealand’s South Island. Photo by Lynley Hayes (Landcare Research)
  • Tortoise beetle Cassida rubiginosa larvae and feeding damage on Cirsium arvense. Photo by Ronny Groenteman (Landcare Research)
  • Tortoise beetle Cassida rubiginosa (green thistle beetle) adult. Photo: M. Cripps, AgResearch.
  • Leaf beetle Chrysolina quadrigemina adults out-breaking on Hypericum perforatum. Photo by Ronny Groenteman (Landcare Research)
  • Field experimental plots to examine the effect of elevated temperature on biological control impact. Photo by Xinmin Lu
  • Phytoseiulus persimilis prey on mites eggs. Photo by Xuenong Xu (IPP-CAAS)
  • Neoseiulus barkeri prey on thrips. Photo by Xuenong Xu (IPP-CAAS)
  • Amblyseius orientalis prey on whitefly. Photo by Xuenong Xu (IPP-CAAS)
  • Neoseiulus californicus prey on mites. Photo by Xuenong Xu (IPP-CAAS)


The International Organisation for Biocontrol (IOBC) is affiliated with the International Council of Scientic Unions (ICSU) as the Section of Biological Control of the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS).
The IOBC was established in 1955 to promote sustainable and environmentally safe methods of pest and disease control in plant protection. In addition to the global organisation, the IOBC has six Regional Sections with their own Executive Committee. There are also nine Working Groups (WG) within Global IOBC which are forums developed under the IOBC umbrella that serve to promote communication between biocontrol workers interested in particular topics. The Asia and Pacific Regional Section,. encourages collaboration between all disciplines within biocontrol including entomology, plant pathology, plant and vertebrate pest control. Like all sections within the IOBC, the IOBC-APRS have members that are enthusiastic about developing, promoting and extending the use of environmentally safe methods of pest control.

The Asia and Pacific Regional Section encompasses countries from throughout Asia, Oceania and the Pacific. Our members are from a variety of backgrounds and all bring excellent skills and knowledge to the society.

Become a member now!


Events: Conferences, Meetings and Activities

For more information about upcoming events: Consult the section "Events".
Information about past conferences, meetings and activities: Visit the Event Archive.

Events Meeting Time-Table:

10th International Workshop on Biological Control and Management of Eupatorieae and other Invasive Alien Plants
11-14 February 2025, Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI), Kerala, India.
  10th International Workshop on Biological Control and Management of Eupatorieae and other Invasive Alien Plants
11-14 February 2025, Kerala, India
XVII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds (ISBCW)
08-13 March 2026, Rotorua, Aotearoa New Zealand.
  XVII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds,, 8 - 13 March 2026, Rotorua, Aotearoa New Zealand